A wide range of factors affect a person’s ability to lose body fat. Through careful assessment of sleeping patterns, stress management, lifestyle choices, hormonal profiling, tailored nutrition and scientific training our team maximise the ability to promote fat loss.
Our sports performance ties in very closely with our strength and conditioning work. By working out the physical requirements of the sport in question we can evaluate an athlete and establish which areas to work on. By replicating movements of the chosen sport we help to improve the athletic performance.
Each athlete has specific needs and they can be established by breaking down factors unique to their sport or activity e.g. movement patterns, tempos, volumes and loads. We create a very specific training plan based on these factors. Once the training plan has been constructed and timetabled in accordance to the athlete’s requirements, this scientific form of overload, adaption and progression ensures a better prepared athlete at the end.
Our team design bespoke programmes that target the largest cross sectional area of muscle. By using a scientifically proven formula we create a maximal amount of tissue breakdown during the session. The growth phase occurs after the session and the laying down of new muscle tissue is optimised with an individually tailored nutritional plan. Over a sustained training period this will result in lean tissue gains.
Good posture is about achieving correct length/tension relationships between muscle groups. As a general rule of thumb if agonists and antagonists are out of balance, one group will be overactive/tight whilst the other group will be lengthened/weak. By very accurate assessment, including measurement of lumbar and thoracic curvature, pelvic tilts and torsions plus plumb line assessment, we know which areas of the body need to be targeted with either focused stretching or corrective strengthening exercises.
Our toning and sculpting plans combine specific nutritional advice to progressively reduce body fat percentages, whilst maintaining lean muscle tissue. If there is a specific weight category or weight target then these nutrition plans can be calorie controlled to hit these targets. The physical training focuses on maximising the visual definition effects of the muscle group.
Never underestimate the power of listening or having someone to listen to your doubts, fears, goals and reasoning. Our specialist trainers help clients to organise, reorganise and implement changes to set them on a path to improved well-being. By changing or fine tuning some very simple lifestyle factors we can make vast improvements to people’s behaviour patterns, and as a result achieve some phenomenal results both physically and mentally.
Cardiovascular fitness is sometimes a bit of a forgotten discipline within an ever increasing world of strength and conditioning. That said the old-school style of simply jogging yourself into a catabolic state doesn’t particularly have many merits these days either. Our trainers use the science behind cardiovascular training and apply its relevance to your set goals. Set heart rates zones during exercise or variable heart rate intervals are the focus of most cardiovascular sessions. Others will be very sport or task specific. Careful control and monitoring of these sessions allows for physical development in these disciplines and also allows for us to see whether an athlete is performing the correct exercise for their current physical condition.
Our team design bespoke programmes that target the largest cross sectional area of muscle. By using a scientifically proven formula we create a maximal amount of tissue breakdown during the session. The growth phase occurs after the session and the laying down of new muscle tissue is optimised with an individually tailored nutritional plan. Over a sustained training period this will result in lean tissue gains.
During and after pregnancy the female form undergoes a whole host of physical changes. Hormone levels alter, joint integrity is compromised, blood pressure changes, some muscle groups may be forced into a separated position and all of these need to be considered when training. Each trimester presents different challenges and this is reflected in your tailored programme. After pregnancy there are similar alterations that need to be addressed to bring your body back to it pre pregnancy form. Rest assured though our trainers have the knowledge to safely guide you through your journey.
Modern day health problems can be attributed to a number of factors such as overworking, under-sleeping, worrying about financial situations, a pro-inflammatory dietary pattern and digestive problems, over-eating, under-eating, moving incorrectly, not moving enough and the list goes on. The skills that our trainers possess allow us to identify factors that can negatively affect your health and find a manageable solution that fits within your day to day routine. Believing in changing for the better will have a hugely positive effect on your life.
Ski Fit training is designed to ensure that you can face the mountains with confidence. This package works on all the physical aspects needed for creating a better skier. Increase overall muscle strength and correct imbalances from left to right side through single sided exercise, improve heart and lung capacity through cardiovascular training and enhance both your flexibility and mobility through specifically designed movements and drills.